The delegates were invited to the MC Online booth for demonstrations and got to know more about Math Buddies’ exceptional digital curriculum. Designed to provide a more engaging teaching and learning experience for both teachers and students, Math Buddies utilizes interactive multimedia courseware that is based on Singapore’s mathematics curriculum. An all-encompassing solution that entails digital teaching and learning, Math Buddies equips teachers with tools to aid their instructional methods and imbues students’ learning with additional guided support for better comprehension.
The educators were treated to lively, on-site product demonstrations
Children were also encouraged to try out the system and engage in the fun of learning Singapore Math with Math Buddies.
A schoolboy having fun with the Math Buddies multimedia system
In addition, workshops were held for the educators to learn more about our digital curriculum from distinguished Singapore Math expert, Dr Yeap Ban Har, and representatives from Marshall Cavendish Education.
MC Online would also like to congratulate the two winners who won the Math Buddies Raffle that was held during the NCTM Conference 2012. The First Prize Winner of the Kindle Fire was Claudia Williams, and the Second Prize Winner of our entire professional development Teaching to Mastery series went to Laura Knees. Congratulations Claudia and Laura!
To learn more about Math Buddies, please visit www.mymathbuddies.sg.
If you have an inquiry on Math Buddies, please feel free to drop us a message at mathbuddies@marshallcavendish.com .